Business Woman Spotlight: Delores Wheless

by | Nov 26, 2012 | Business Woman Spotlight, Nov/Dec 12 | 0 comments

Company: Broadway Bank
Title: Wealth strategist and director of Family Business Resource Center

What do you do? As a wealth strategist, I help families develop and implement their strategic wealth plan designed to meet their needs and goals. This is not an event, but a continuous enlightening process as their lifestyle changes. I also oversee Broadway Bank’s new Family Business Resource Center. This center was launched in SeptemberPantsuite of this year, and it was developed to help family businesses connect, share ideas, access information and find solutions to help their family business succeed.

Length of time at this job: I started with Broadway Bank in July of this year; however, I have worked in the accounting and finance arena for 19 years, focusing on wealth management. I’m excited about the opportunities at Broadway Bank for me and especially for my clients.

What is it that you like best about your job? There is no doubt that the clients I serve are what I love the most about my job. My passion is taking care of my clients by helping them with complicated issues such as transferring wealth in this indecisive time of tax law changes and other issues like how to find the right college savings plan. Having a bond based on trust and mutual respect with my clients is my ultimate goal.

Education/major: B.S. in accounting and M.S. in taxation from Texas A&M University.

What career path led you to where you are today? I started my career with Ernst & Young in 1993 in public accounting. There was no better training ground than the rigorous schedule of a young tax accountant. I was able to travel the world and meet lots of great people working with the international tax department. It was then that I realized that I wanted to help people meet their goals, which led me to financial counseling. In 2004, I was part of a group that developed the wealth management group for a regional bank. I discovered the value of bringing a full suite of services, including banking services, to our clients. In 2010, I enjoyed the pleasures and challenges of starting a business as part of the founding staff of a local multifamily office. The combination of public accounting, financial counseling and founding staff member brought me to exactly where I should be …serving as the director of the Family Business Resource Center and helping families meet their goals.

When did you know that you were in the right place in your career? I knew I was in the right place when I found myself “working” on clients’ financial plans in my free time just for fun. I am most content when serving my clients and helping them realize their dreams.

Would you encourage your children to go into the same field? I encourage my children to find their passion. If you get up every day doing what you love to do, you will do your best, and success will follow.

What did you want to be when you were growing up? I knew that I wanted to help people, and I thought being a pediatrician was the way to do so. I quickly found out that I was wrong and found a love for numbers, which took me down the accounting path. As it turns out, I don’t solve any complicated calculus problems, but I am actually helping people and their families.

What person do you most admire? I admire my mother the most. Growing up as working class in Corpus Christi was not easy, and my mother made sacrifices that I only now understand. My brother and I always felt loved and secure, and she ensured nothing stopped us from receiving the education that she was never afforded.

What do you enjoy doing on a day off? I love spending my day off with my sons, Major and Max. We love the outdoors, so you will find us at our San Antonio Zoo, Sea World or, most likely, the pool.

What is your favorite vacation? I love the beach! There’s nothing like sand between my toes. I love Port Aransas because it holds many memories, and I enjoy escaping to the Caribbean as well. The sound of the waves has always helped bring clarity to my life.

What books have you read lately? Recently, I enjoyed reading Killing Lincoln by Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard. This book was very special to me because my 9-year-old son, Max, has a fascination with Lincoln. He thought I was the coolest mom ever quoting unusual facts about his favorite president, like his guard took a break when he was assassinated. I am currently readingFamily Wealth – Keeping It in the Family by James E. Hughes, Jr. It’s about preserving human, intellectual and financial assets.

What brought you to San Antonio? My first friend in San Antonio was Teryn Grater. She was and still is a bold, smart lady with a unique zest for life. She was my intern buddy during my internship with Ernst & Young. I learned so much from her, and she made such an impression on me that I knew San Antonio had to be a special place if Teryn was in it.

What do you like most about San Antonio? I love the diversity of people and cultures tied together with that small-town hospitality. The feeling of family in a city with over 1.3 million people could only be found here. And I can’t forget Fiesta! I love everything about it, especially the festive mood of our city for a week of diverse celebrations for many great causes.

What community groups or not-for-profit groups are you involved with as a volunteer? I am active with my church as a Sunday school teacher for third graders. You can’t imagine how insightful 9-year-olds can be. I am also a director of the San Antonio Zoological Society. Our zoo is a treasure filled with adventure for all. And I recently became a member of the Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting. It is dedicated to enhancing opportunities for Latinos and building leadership and career skills for today’s students.

Do you have a favorite dish? I grew up on Mexican food, and my mom’s tamales are amazing. They are homemade goodness in a league of their own. I could have them for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

How do you find balance in your life – career, community and home life? I answered this question five times … Honestly, I have never had perfect balance. It’s a compromise every day, but I make sure the balance shifts often.

What is your favorite relaxation strategy? Sleep!

What are your goals? My goal in life is to raise two godly gentlemen. Doing so in today’s world is as hard as it sounds, but I am conscious of it every day.

What is the best advice that you have ever received? Listen, listen, listen … it is amazing what you will learn if you stop and truly listen. Most of the time, what you learn isn’t what you hear. This is especially true with my clients.

People would be surprised to know that I . . . am an introvert. My happy place is definitely one-on-one.


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