Business Woman Spotlight: Nancy Victor

by | Jan 23, 2013 | Business Woman Spotlight, Jan/Feb 13 | 0 comments

WIB-VictorCompany: Help Me!! Tech Team
Title: President

What do you do? My team connects the dots of technology … I draw the line clearly so that people can see the big picture.

Length of time at this job: 21 years.

What is it that you like best about your job? Helping people (hence the name Help Me!!) solve their technology problems by simplifying what many people feel is complicated, thereby improving their business, profitability and even their own clients’ experience with them.

What career path led you to where you are today? It started with a desire to help and a knack for technology, which led to filling a need and starting a business. I am fortunate that I have a family team willing and able to merge our natural talents, forge relationships, work for a common goal and continue evolving in the process.

When did you know that you were in the right place in your career?

A proud moment was when we purchased our building that now houses our business.
Our grand re-opening/re-brand in 2009.
When I was selected as Bexar County SWMBE Woman of the Year in 2009 during Women’s History Month.
During my first visit to the White House Business Council meetings in June representing San Antonio small businesses and then again in December representing NAWBO-SA. At the lectern during NAWBO-SA’s Affordable Care Act meeting with Assistant Secretary Ned Holland from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

Would you encourage your children to go into the same field? I encourage my kids to find their passion and pursue that with vigor.

Who were your mentors? I am blessed to know many outstanding women who mentor me both in business and my role in organizational leadership. Jan King, Lynn Weirich and Patsy Foxworth are particularly special.

What person do you most admire? Champions against injustice who use diplomacy to make a difference – especially women who set this example. Locally, I admire defense attorney Cynthia Orr and Chief Justice Cathy Stone. Nationally, our Secretaries of State, Condoleezza Rice and Hillary Clinton.

What is your favorite vacation? Nothing beats our last one — 21 states in an 11-day road trip that we took with our two kids. The mayhem and memories that came from that were totally worth it.

What do you like to do in your spare time? Writing and public speaking feed my creative side and energize me. I also love to spend time with my family. Sometimes I combine the two and force my children to listen to my speeches!

Who has been the biggest influence in your life personally and professionally? My daughter. A wise mentor once asked me if I’m doing a service to her by limiting myself. This had a profound impact on me. Now I ask myself, “Am I setting the best example that I can as a strong woman for her?” Hopefully, my son will benefit from this also.

What brought you to San Antonio? While I’m not military, the military was responsible for my family relocating to San Antonio. In 1980, after a summer vacation to San Antonio to visit my aunt and uncle (a retired lieutenant colonel) who were stationed at Randolph AFB, my parents came home to Chicago and promptly put the house up for sale. San Antonio’s been our home ever since.

What do you like most about San Antonio? The people.

What community groups or not-for-profit groups are you involved with as a volunteer? I am president-elect and public policy chair for NAWBO-SA; a mentor for three local Toastmasters Clubs; an active Rotarian.

How do you find balance in your life – career, community and home life? Synergy between my volunteer activities and my position within my company helps tremendously. Also, my family is entwined in everything that I do, and they always come first.

What is your favorite relaxation strategy? Unplug and read a good book.

What are your goals? To leave a legacy and to show women how to use their voices to create change in the world.

What is the best advice that you have ever received? BE YOURSELF and think BIGGER.

People would be surprised to know that I … have a twin brother, named my children Storm and Stone, am a closet comedian (what’s not funny about technology?) and that I used to be a deacon.


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