Spotlight Katrina


President at Five Star Tech, Ltd. Co.
Partner at Greiner & Associates PLLC


Why did you choose to focus on business law?

I have had the opportunity to watch my father build several successful businesses.  When I began law school, I took a business planning course and realized I loved working with businesses, business systems, and business owners.  I believe that providing business owners with all the knowledge the law can provide really allows them to grow and expand while protecting themselves, their businesses and their employees.  We love to help owners sell or buy new businesses.

Any tips for building a business with your spouse and keeping business and marriage strong?

Open and honest communication is paramount.  I have found it useful to compartmentalize work and home.  However, my husband prefers a different approach.  While it is important to know what works for you, it is also important to know how your spouse operates.  We have found it is critical to take time for just us where we share an activity or hobby.  We make that time together about us and we don’t discuss business, or kids, or even the house in general.  We are intentional about connecting for fun.  And we don’t always expect to agree in business.  But a disagreement in business does not mean our marriage is in jeopardy.

As a working mom, what is important that you do for yourself?

As an introvert, I have found it useful to start and end my day with personal time.  I like to meet with my trainer for a quick workout in the mornings before my family wakes up and I decompress in the evening with a bubble bath.  It took discipline and effort to establish the routine but my family and employees respect that is my time and I have earned it.

What is your secret passion?

Fishing.  There’s no better feeling than being out on the water in the middle of the ocean fishing.  I enjoy the serenity of being on the water and in nature—especially offshore.  I find it to be a relaxing and stress-relieving activity; particularly at night when the water is calm and the stars blend together with their reflection on the ocean.

What is one thing you want our readers to know about you?

I have a strong competitive nature that has helped to drive my success.  From ski racing, training with the Swiss Olympic team, and holding multiple world records for deep-sea fishing; I have always enjoyed the spirit of competition.  I strive to be the best at whatever I do.  And I strive to give that same spirit in business to help our clients achieve their goals.



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