Make a Mantra Activity for Kids!

by | Feb 2, 2021 | Contributors, Lady Jennifer Barlow | 0 comments

Some on the spectrum often struggle with low self-esteem. What I have found with my son who’s on the spectrum, when I took a few minutes to talk with him about how he’s feeling and try to give him a few suggestions to release anything that is causing anxiety or stress, I see a change in his energy, a shift. Sometimes all they need is someone to see them and hear them out.

This morning, his teacher over at Van Raub created a “Morning Meeting” with the students and asked that they create a mantra. When I saw this, my heart jumped! I had a great big smile on my face, and I literally placed my hand over my heart. I thought this was a brilliant idea! It teaches mindfulness and that “what we think, we become” often taught in hermeticism. His teacher has spoken to them about positive energy, resilience and what it means, and other mindfulness tips this year. Something that these kids, whether on or off the spectrum, need right now during these challenging times. Kids and adults need some form of healthy release and mindfulness ritual to help them to stay healthy in mind, body, and spirit! I give the teacher of the year award to my son’s teacher Ms. Stewart over at Van Raub Elementary.

His teacher has inspired me to add this “Make a Mantra” into my teachings when working with children on or off the spectrum. Write your mantra on a piece of paper and then decorate it. Display it in your favorite space as a reminder that you are loved, wise, healthy, wealthy, powerful, beautiful, or whatever you feel you are! Words of affirmation are more powerful than you think! “I AM” are two of the most powerful words one can think and speak! The affirmation manifests in many ways in your life! Be cautious with what you say and think. Remember, “As within, so without” , “As above, so below” , “What we think, we become”. We are the magicians in our lives!


Lady Jenn Barlow

Mantras for kids, spectrum


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