Dossier: Vanessa Mayfield – Frost Bank

by | Feb 3, 2023 | The Dossier | 0 comments

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What inspired you to go into your field? 

I graduated college with the intent of going into public accounting and happened to take a graduate class in Commercial Banking during my very last semester. Guest speakers from a bank presented to the class one day about what their job entailed, and I was immediately drawn in. I then changed my path. The banking industry just fascinated me then and still does to this day. 

What do you love most about your work? 

The people, without a doubt. In many cases, I have the privilege of getting to know business owners and their teams on both a professional and personal level. The opportunity to serve as a partner to these individuals and companies as they progress on each of their unique journeys is so rewarding. I often feel so inspired and in awe of their courage, drive, determination, and intelligence.  

Additionally, my work keeps me feeling challenged and invigorated…every day is different. Nothing gets me fired more than getting to structure a loan to help a business embark on a new, strategic, and often complex venture. Furthermore, I am so fortunate to work at a company as wonderful as Frost Bank that allows me to do this amidst a culture that aligns with my personal value system.  

How do you define success in working with your clients? 

To me, success is earning a trusted advisor status with my customers. I want them to know and believe that I genuinely care about them and have their best interest at heart. I strive to be creative, thoughtful, strategic, and aggressive on behalf of my customers to achieve the most advantageous outcomes for them. At the end of the day, regardless of the outcome, earning and maintaining their trust is the ultimate win. 


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