Serina Perez, Business Banker

by | Jul 18, 2023 | Banking, Business, Business Woman Spotlight | 1 comment

Hancock Whitney Bank

web Business Spotlight MayJun23 SerinaPerez

What sets you apart from other bankers?

I would say that what sets me apart from other bankers is my relationship-based approach. I believe thoroughly in knowing my clients so that I can best understand their needs. I also think of myself as a connector of people – when I meet someone and I think they could benefit from meeting someone else in my network, I gladly introduce them.

What do you enjoy most about your work?

My clients and meeting new people. I love hearing their stories, understanding where they are in life and career, and the satisfaction of assisting them in achieving their financial goals and dreams.

What career path led you to where you are today?

I started my banking career in High School, working as a clerk in check reconcilement – which is a fancy way to say “filing checks.” It was just a job at that time, but I continued working in banking while I was attending college, and it became my career. I have been fortunate enough to work in many roles within the Retail Branch: part-time Teller, full-time Teller, Teller Supervisor, Assistant Manager, and then Branch Manager. All of these roles have contributed to the growth into my current role as a Business Banker.

What is the best advice you’ve ever received?

I was having a hard day a long time ago – one of those days that you couldn’t even hide it when trying. Someone I did not know came up to me and said, “Everything has a solution, don’t worry.” That really resonated with me both in my professional and personal life. I try not to get too caught up in the depth of the situation and focus on finding the solution.

What was the most inspirational book you read over the past year?

‘The Five People you meet in Heaven.’ The main character meets five people in Heaven who he did not realize he had a connection with on Earth. This really speaks to me because I believe that even the slightest interactions can have an impact, so it is important to live with purpose.

What do you do to relax outside of work?

Spending time with my family, playing board games, camping, hiking, swimming…anything fun in the sun. As a solitary pastime, I enjoy reading.

Hancock Whitney Bank

19122 US HWY 281 N San Antonio, TX. 78258


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  1. Well deserved


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