By Bill Murphy, MD, Medical Director, Turquoise Springs Medical Spa Eye drops for dry eyes, pills to stop itching and dizziness, and doctor visits for ringing of the ears and headaches. Dry skin, dry mouth, bad breath, constipation, and feeling tired all the time?...

We All Love Sunshine
By Bill Murphy MD, Medical Director, Turquoise Springs Medical Spa My favorite poet, Jimmy Buffett, wrote in his song, “Sunshine” the following lyrics: “Sunshine, Can’t get enough sunshine, I’m following the sunshine, Beating down on me. I never even mind...
30, 40,…or 70
AGING REQUIRED…..GROWTH AND CHANGE OPTIONAL BY BILL MURPHY MD, MEDICAL DIRECTOR TURQUOISE SPRINGS MEDICAL SPA I am told I had a milestone birthday last weekend as I begin my 70th year and 8th decade of life. Or, as Jimmy Buffett says, I am beginning another year to...
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall… Looking and Feeling Great
By Bill Murphy, MD, Medical Director, Turquoise Springs Medical Spa How we see ourselves in a mirror and feel in our clothing can be a sign of health and wellness. Does your skin glow, do your eyes twinkle, do you like the way your clothing feels on your body? The...
BEAUTY: Brush Care
Brush Care By Dora Vera Hey, you! With this heat, I hope my tips in the past magazines have helped. In this issue, I wanted to discuss the importance of brush care, which includes shampooing and sanitizing between uses. Since you probably use your brushes only on your...
So Your Teen Wants to Start Wearing Makeup?
By Dora Vera @thelook.beautystudio When your teen is becoming interested in wearing makeup, I would start by explaining that caring for her skin is the most important thing. Starting her off with an oil or cream cleanser, an alcohol-free toner, and a moisturizer will...
Beauty Extra: Show Yourself
By Dora Vera I hope the first two months of the year have been good for you. In the last column, I spoke about three simple steps to taking care of your skin, which will help prep for your foundation! When it comes to foundation, a little goes a long way. I've found...
Beauty Extra: More than a Daily Routine
Elevate Your Daily Routine With Thoughtful Intentions By Dora Vera The world of makeup is colorful and exciting, but this chasm is not a familiar one to all. For me, makeup is a ritual that is all-encompassing which means my skincare is at the foundation of this...
Beauty EXTRA: Beat the Heat
It's summer in south Texas and you know what that means… capricious weather, blistering heat, frizzy hair, and makeup's arch-enemy, SWEAT! There are a few ways you can maintain the integrity of your freshly beat face starting with a lightweight moisturizer containing...
Foundation Routines that Defend
With summer right around the corner, your foundation can offer extra protecting against harmful UVA/UVB rays!