2014 Beauty Trends

2014 Beauty Trends

Everything Old is new again So, we're just emerging from a wild and crazy season featuring exaggerated, even funky, cat eyes; dark, exotic and sultry eyes; lips bearing dark, vivid reds and plums; and fingernails painted with stripes, polka dots or geometric and other...

Invasive Cosmetic Surgery

Invasive Cosmetic Surgery

Don't let your sagging make you sad. We may feel much younger than our numerical age, but our appearance can give us away. Cheer up. You can achieve a more youthful look with a plastic surgery cosmetic procedure. Last year, over 14 million cosmetic procedures were...

Fighting the Battle of the Bulge

Fighting the Battle of the Bulge

You might be chompin’ at the bit to attack those extra pounds you put on during the annual holiday celebrations last November and December. This war on wider girths becomes even more hard-fought down here in San Antonio, where the beat goes on ... as do the...

Beauty Shortcuts for makeup, hair, and more

Beauty Shortcuts for makeup, hair, and more

You’re rockin’ along with your already not-so-routine life comprising work, kids, family, school, social events, sports, volunteering, church plus unforeseen activities. BAM! Suddenly (it seems to sneak up on us) it’s October, which, along with witches and pumpkins,...



Our skin is a wonderful, flexible, protective covering. It can be beautifully soft and touchable or rough, leathery, wrinkly and sagging. UV rays from the sun or tanning booth and smoking are the major causes of damage and deterioration of our skin. So why not take...

Cosmetic Surgery from Head to Toe

Cosmetic Surgery from Head to Toe

Even in the most dire economic times, people will still find money to spend on improving their appearance, according to Cosmetic Medical News. In 2010, Americans spent $10.7 billion on cosmetic procedures. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS),...

Enjoy these beauty breakthroughs

Enjoy these beauty breakthroughs

When you’re a large, successful cosmetic company, your research department is constantly trying to develop new products. Well, here are just a few interesting examples of new products in the beauty world: 1. Elure Advanced Skin Lightening System (lotion and night...

The Latest Word in Fall Makeup, Hair & Fashion

The Latest Word in Fall Makeup, Hair & Fashion

Big, bold, bright. OR demure. This fall, the range for makeup goes from one extreme to theother. Overall, make-up can be very heavy or very soft. Red! Lips can be any shade as long as they’re some shade of red. Although true red is preferred, the range goes from...

Make the Holiday Season a Green One

What’s green, has two legs and makes soft footprints on the earth? It’s not the the Green Hornet, the Green Giant or an alien. It’s the Ecoista. “What the heck,” you might ask, “is an Ecoista?” Well, it’s a woman who recycles, is environmentally conscious and is...

Give your face a touch-up

Give your face a touch-up

Did you have a great summer, playing in sunny San Antonio? Perhaps you ventured to the Texas coast or went tubing or boating or swimming in a nearby lake. Maybe you just drove around town, to and from work, or ran some errands. Either way, if you didn’t use a sun...

Cellulite:  What is it? Why do we have it? Can it be treated?

Cellulite: What is it? Why do we have it? Can it be treated?

Statistics reveal that 85 to 90 percent of women have cellulite! That’s why it is talked about so frequently. That’s why every summer women cringe at the thought of wearing shorts and swimsuits. That’s why beauty product research facilities around the world are...

The Eyes Have It:  Glamorize eyelashes

The Eyes Have It: Glamorize eyelashes

We've always known it — in a certain way, the eyes are just about as important to look into as they are in helping us see. They're the "windows of our souls." They're the center of our face — the first thing someone notices about us. A simple wink of the eye can alert...

‘Tis the Season for Swimsuits and Shorts

‘Tis the Season for Swimsuits and Shorts

Oh oh. Swimsuit season is upon us. Some of us shy away or absolutely refuse to go out in public wearing shorts, short skirts or the dreaded sunbathing attire. Among other body parts, legs play a major role in this dilemma. And it is a dilemma — it gets hot in San...

Beauty and Health: The Basics

Beauty and Health: The Basics

Want to look and feel your best? Follow a plan of good eating habits, skin care treatment and exercise, and your whole body will thank you. First, eat right That's nothing new, really. We all know about the basic food pyramid — fruits, vegetables, whole grains,...

Cellulite Alert:  Spaced out by “lunar landscape”?

Cellulite Alert: Spaced out by “lunar landscape”?

Oh, you may know it as "cottage cheese," "orange peel" or "mattress" syndrome, all referring to the mini-craters of dimpled skin. Yes, we're talking about cellulite — the dreaded fat-filled cells clumping around your thighs, abdomen, buttocks and other body areas....

Tried and True Beauty Tips:  Women tell what works for them

Tried and True Beauty Tips: Women tell what works for them

Want to look and feel your best? Follow a plan of good eating habits, skin care treatment and exercise, and your whole body will thank you. Ask San Antonio women for their beauty routines, and you may be surprised by their answers. I certainly was. For starters, the...

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