Make a Mantra Activity for Kids!

Make a Mantra Activity for Kids!

Some on the spectrum often struggle with low self-esteem. What I have found with my son who's on the spectrum, when I took a few minutes to talk with him about how he's feeling and try to give him a few suggestions to release anything that is causing anxiety or...

Is Mindfulness Becoming “The New Thing”?

Is Mindfulness Becoming “The New Thing”?

It is hard to ignore the wave of mindfulness and interest in spiritual evolution that has flooded this planet in the recent years. We see that society is beginning to do a double take at the different spiritual and wellness communities. More and more people are...

Astrology 101: The Zodiacs Explained

Astrology 101: The Zodiacs Explained

Astrology 101: The Zodiacs Explained with Lady Jenn Barlow, CYT 500 The correlation between the events on Earth and the heavenly bodies is the study of astrology. It concentrates on relationships, cycles and patterns, and opportunities into understanding our...

5 Intentions to Set for 2021

5 Intentions to Set for 2021

5 Intentions to Set for 2021 - A year of rebirth, progress, growth, and inner power   2021 is just around the corner! This means people are thinking about what their New Year's resolutions are going to be. We often hear the same old thing, "I will lose weight!" and ...

Lady Jennifer Barlow

Lady Jennifer Barlow

Helping the community has been a part of my identity, for as long as I can recall. Utilizing movement and nature has helped me find peace and a central part of my self-ritual since I was a child. These unique coping skills separated me from many groups. Discovering a...

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