Women on the Move
5 Easy Ways to Celebrate and Acknowledge FIESTA 2018
It is a fun, joyful time in our city. Become a participant for 2018 and not just a sideline spectator, you will be glad you did.
Looking to Find an Important Woman During the Final Four
Sister Jean Dolores Schmidt
The Unsung Heroes of Women’s History Month – Part 1
It has been thirty- one years since Women’s History Month was first designated to honor the accomplishments of American Women every March. In San Antonio, we are surrounded by amazing female leaders throughout our city offices and businesses. Here at San Antonio...
What Makes San Antonio Charming
By definition, charming is pleasant, attractive, fascinating, delightful and appealing.
Loma de Vida Spa
This is a true destination spa in every sense of the word. For one whole day, I learned what the word RELAX really means.
Personal Style … More About Legacy Than Fashion
An excitement for each day and decisions about how to impact others are components of style. The truth is we all have a style whether we like it or not.
Finding Neverland…An Adult Message about Finding our Inner Child
At the end of a long day, we may not want to leave the comfort of home and go to the theater. But, I submit to you…that is exactly what we should do.
Tell Us What You Think … Is Retail Really Dead?
Retail Therapy…we all know what that means. When the stress goes up, the tough go shopping. But, sadly the options of brick and mortar stores are decreasing.
Parents, Is Your Child Willing to Die for their Phone?
The majority of people walking by, on a beautiful spring day, had their heads buried in a phone. It is so sad, because life goes too quickly to spend it in an app.
The Reciprocity of Encouragement
Every woman is beautiful and has beautiful features, but few of us believe it.
Think Sunshine…Not Headlines…and Reap the Rewards!
This is the season to kick off our shoes, walk in the fresh green grass, and breathe deep spring aromas.
Wake Up … The Tornados Must Not Be Forgotten
It is amazing to have five tornados in one night touch ground and not one injury or death. Many of you have already forgotten about the storms, because they seemed to have little or no affect. But, that is not true.