Rebecca Valadez inspects her freshly manicured, pale-pink fingernails with a frown. "My mom said I had to get them done," she says. "This is just going to chip off when I play the guitar." It's just one of many contradictions in her career, which she's talking about...
Blind and Talented: Lisa Fittipaldi learned to paint after losing her sight
If she is not traveling, Lisa Fittipaldi can usually be found in her studio, painting away for long hours at a time. It doesn't matter that right now her makeshift studio is just a corner room in the house she and husband Al are renovating in the King William area....
For the Love of Singing : The Children’s Chorus gives talented kids some shine
It's a hot and lazy August afternoon outside, but inside the choir room at the Alamo Heights United Methodist Church the atmosphere is cool, imbued with a sense of purpose. A few kids have lined up to audition for the Children's Chorus of San Antonio, and everyone...
Ready to Make Music Again: The Symphony has a new CEO, a new plan and new hope
On April 19, U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Leif Clark approved the San Antonio Symphony's reorganization plan, permitting the venerable but troubled organization to emerge from Chapter 11 and a year of silence and uncertainty. "Let's go make music," the judge said. Now the...
Nothing Askew: Talented students make art for the neighborhood
Every day after school, a group of Jefferson High students make their way to the Askew Design Studio to resume working on their art projects. They come because they love it, they say, not because they have to. On this particular afternoon in late May, about 10 of them...
Life in the Spotlight: Actresses talk about the acting life in San Antonio
There's no business like show business, says the famous song, and few devotees would disagree. The hours are bad, the money scarce and the competition tough, but the thrill of being in the spotlight overshadows everything else. Thanks to many talented folks who feel...
Watercolor Comes of Age: Artists to exhibit their works all over town
For those who still associate watercolors with soft images of landscapes and flower vases, a stroll through a contemporary watercolor show may be an eye opener. Just about every style and theme is likely to be represented, from realistic still lifes to bold...
Her Mission is Music: Pianist builds bridges of music and friendship
When Anya Grokhovski was five, her mother bundled her up one day, put her on a trolley and took her across town to a piano teacher she had chosen for her. There wasn't much discussion about it. Her parents, both violinists, had decreed that little Anya would play the...
Songs from jesus’ Palestine: SAVAE recreates music and language from ancient times
When Christopher Moroney heard Near Eastern music for the first time, he was only 17 but he had a flash of insight. This, he thought, may be more like the music that existed in Jesus’ time than anything else we have heard in the West. Many years had to pass before the...
The Lady Of Castles: Clay artist’s magical hands and wheel create enchanting copulas and world-class wonders
Nancy Pawel may not be the princess in the enchanted castle, but she certainly could be called the queen of castles. The San Antonio clay artist started creating castle sculptures more than 30 years ago and never stopped. A dozen or so of her domed creations adorn her...