Breast Density and Breast Cancer: What You Need to Know

Breast Density and Breast Cancer: What You Need to Know

Almost two years ago, I was diagnosed with breast cancer, and the avalanche of important information I gleaned while stumbling through this dark and exhausting land of studies vs. opinion, options vs. necessities and shock vs. acceptance is noted in Google Docs, paper binders and hastily written notes.

Health: The Pros and Cons of Serotonin

Health: The Pros and Cons of Serotonin

At the end of the year many women find themselves over-indulging in holiday delights that they only eat during that special time. In fact, a lot of us spend the year thinking and talking about those nostalgic family recipes that our palates are awaiting. I always say,...

Health: Are You Eating Your Feelings?

Health: Are You Eating Your Feelings?

By Jan Tilley Emotional eating is the practice of consuming large quantities of food — usually “comfort” or junk foods — in response to feelings instead of hunger. It is often an overwhelming drive or desire to put a Band-Aid on our hurts and challenges....

Hope for Parenting an Addict

Hope for Parenting an Addict

What does and does not work Maggie’s Story “What I wish I had done better would have been to seek help much sooner. I thought that I could ‘out parent’ my son’s problems. I thought that if I could be more vigilant, check his belongings better, monitor his phone...

Eating Our Way To Healthy Brain Function

Eating Our Way To Healthy Brain Function

Most recent statistics from the Alzheimer’s Association remain sobering: • Alzheimer’s disease is the sixth-leading cause of death in the United States. • One in three seniors die of Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia. • Almost two-thirds of Americans with...

Health: Fertility Solutions in San Antonio

Health: Fertility Solutions in San Antonio

Help When a Successful Pregnancy Seems Impossible Ten pregnancies ... 283 vials of blood drawn ...  one baby boy, Ezra, lost in the second trimester … discovery of a genetic blood-clotting disorder (polycystic ovary disorder) … and now over 40 years of age. The odds...

Health: Diet Plans

Health: Diet Plans

Is a doctor-supervised Diet plan for you? BY PAMELA LUTRELL Fireworks are quiet, stockings are packed, and San Antonians once again stare down New Year’s resolutions with planning, hope and extra pounds. Popular diet programs flood the market and confuse the brain....

Taking Care of Those Gams

Taking Care of Those Gams

Early Detection and New Therapies to Maintain Limb Health   Many women spend their youth and midlife preparing for the Marilyn Monroe moment — that moment when they walk across an air vent and their skirt goes flying and their legs will be properly shaved,...

Get Out and Get Fit

Get Out and Get Fit

Walk, Run, Ride, Paddle, Push and Stretch, San Antonio! Few would question how lucky we are to live in a city rich with such natural beauty. Truth is, we are very fortunate to have year-round opportunities to get outside, and we can even get fit while doing it. Sunset...

Integrative Medicine: What it is, What it’s not.

Integrative Medicine: What it is, What it’s not.

What is integrative medicine? It is caring for the whole human being, including the body, mind and spirit, not just bones and organs and skin. Appropriate therapeutic approaches and disciplines are used by health care professionals for optimal health and healing. The...

Get your life back by getting back to sleep

Simple steps may help Dr. Michael S. Boss, a chiropractor, health and wellness practitioner, and the co-founder, president and wellness director of Elevate Life Wellness in San Antonio, says, “A common complaint among women of all ages is poor sleep. Many fall asleep...

All the right moves for fitness

All the right moves for fitness

Dance workouts boost heart health February is National Heart Health Awareness month, providing a good reminder that the No. 1 cause of death in the United States is heart disease, with stroke following closely at No. 4. Heart disease leads in San Antonio as well, with...

Stay-Slim  Ways to Holiday-Proof Your Diet

Stay-Slim Ways to Holiday-Proof Your Diet

There are probably lots of things you’ll enjoy this holiday season — time with friends and loved ones, frivolity and merrymaking, maybe even a special gift or two — but most certainly you don’t want to expand your waistline and carry unwanted pounds into the New Year....

Invasive Breast Cancer: The Basics

Invasive Breast Cancer: The Basics

What women (and men) need to know This year, 230,000 women and 2,200 men are expected to be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer. Don't become one of them. Since knowledge could be the key to survival, the following may answer some of your questions: What is breast...

Heart Attacks: Killer of Women

Heart Attacks: Killer of Women

From the American Heart Association More women die of cardiovascular disease than from the next four causes of death combined, including all forms of cancer. Many cardiac events in women could be prevented if they made the right choices for their hearts involving...

“My Back is Killing me!”

“My Back is Killing me!”

You and 27 million other Americans over the age of 18 have the same complaint. Annually. About 19 million of us see a doctor. More women were treated for backaches than men. Intensity levels of back pain range from muscle- and posture-related pain to life-altering,...

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