Laser Eye Surgery & You

Laser Eye Surgery & You

What's it all about? You're most likely familiar with the term LASIK surgery. It has become very popular for athletes, along with many of your friends and co-workers, to have this procedure. In the past, when correcting vision problems such as nearsightedness...

Desperate for Sleep?

Desperate for Sleep?

Sleep aids may not be the answer I recently asked a group of 40-something women if they had ever taken or currently do take sleeping pills. The answers I received mirrored a report from the National Center for Health Statistics published in August. According to the...

Oh Baby! What To Expect When You’re Expecting

Oh Baby! What To Expect When You’re Expecting

1 Trimester During the first trimester, weeks 1-12, many changes occur in your body that may necessitate changing your daily routine – eating earlier or eating smaller meals more frequently. Symptoms of pregnancy experienced in the first few weeks, mostly due to...

What’s New in Wellness

What’s New in Wellness

Breast cancer drugs urged for healthy high-risk women Should healthy women take drugs to lower their risk of breast cancer? In April, an influential panel of experts said the answer is yes, but only for certain women who are at increased risk because of breast cancer...

Pyramids, Portions, Pictures & Plates

Pyramids, Portions, Pictures & Plates

Portion control has been tested and proven to help reduce calorie intake and lead to weight loss. Obesity is rapidly becoming the greatest cause of disease and death in our country. Statistics show that over 60 percent of us are obese or, at least, overweight. Some of...

The eyes have it

The eyes have it

I’ve always thought it funny how various body parts get paramount protection depending on what type of physician is in the house. For instance, one of our friends is a neurologist. Helmets are a BIG deal at his house. Another family we hang with is covered head to toe...

A New Year

A New Year

Carpe Motivation! Seize the momentum from the recent holidays and use it to accomplish your New Year’s resolutions, particularly those relating to food and drink excesses.Maybe you’ll want to buff up and trim down for some sun and fun on the slopes or by the water for...

Busting 17 Breast Cancer Myths

Busting 17 Breast Cancer Myths

Between your mother, friends, TV and the Internet, there are numerous ways misinformation gets passed along. Getting a faulty cookie recipe from the grapevine is one thing, but where your health is concerned, it's better to get information from a trusted source like...

Dealing with Sun-Damaged Skin

Dealing with Sun-Damaged Skin

Long-term exposure to the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation, especially around the face, is the No. 1 cause of skin damage. This photo-aging, unlike natural maturing, speeds up the aging of your skin by as much as 12 years, and you'll look it! UV exposure also...

Exercise: The True Brain Food The benefits of staying active

Exercise: The True Brain Food The benefits of staying active

There is more to fitness than well-toned muscles. That’s because the body and the mind are interconnected. So as you train your body, you train your brain. It’s amazing how many ways physical exercise affects your brain: • Your nervous system functions at a higher...

Pilates: the Man & the Method

Pilates: the Man & the Method

Joseph Pilates was an unhealthy child who reportedly suffered from asthma, rickets and rheumatic fever. He believed in the ancient Greek ideal of man — one who is developed in body, mind and spirit. To that end, he studied Zen Buddhism, yoga, Eastern and Western...

Low back pain? Suffer no more!

Low back pain? Suffer no more!

Back pain affects 80 percent of Americans at some time in their lives. It’s the leading cause of disability in Americans under 45 years of age, according to the National Institute of Health Statistics survey. Indeed, more than 26 million Americans between the ages of...

From Cancer Survivor to Cancer Care & Screening Specialist

From Cancer Survivor to Cancer Care & Screening Specialist

Anyone who has ever faced a frightening medical diagnosis like breast cancer knows the importance of having a specialist who understands the most up-to-date developments in technology, medicine, treatments and tests in the battle against the disease. But it’s also...

Three’s the Charm:  Foods with powerful properties

Three’s the Charm: Foods with powerful properties

You may not have the willpower to exercise daily or quit smoking, but one thing is for sure — you will eat today. That said, why not better your odds of living a (hopefully) long, disease-free life and make the hundreds of thousands of snacks and meals you’ll consume...

Worldwide Ways of Weight Management

Worldwide Ways of Weight Management

It’s early in 2011! That means it’s time for dropping the pounds we put on during the holidays. But instead of diet and exercise plans, here’s a look at the lifestyles and customs of people in other countries where the majority of people are slimmer and more fit than...

Headache Hell?

Headache Hell?

Graphic descriptions like these are common among migraine sufferers. Migraines, also known as vascular headaches because blood vessels in the brain dilate, are usually intense and incapacitating with pulsating pain on one half of the head. Often nausea, vomiting,...

Battling The Bulge? Try These Four Simple Changes!

Battling The Bulge? Try These Four Simple Changes!

I hear the TV fitness guru shouting, “Fire those abs!” and “5,4,3,2,1…what time is it? Booty time!” and I think perhaps I should be exercising with my husband rather than parking myself in front of my laptop. Ironically, I’m working on this very article. For...

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