Womanstress  The Type E Woman: Doing everything for everyone

Womanstress The Type E Woman: Doing everything for everyone

We have long known that stress is harmful to the health of human beings. I quote from a recent Harvard Mental Health Newsletter:"…prolonged [stress] can accelerate the aging of body cells, with obvious implications for health and longevity." We also know that chronic...

Diabetes: A Major Health Crisis in San Antonio

Diabetes: A Major Health Crisis in San Antonio

We have long known that stress is harmful to the health of human beings. I quote from a recent Harvard Mental Health Newsletter: "…prolonged [stress] can accelerate the aging of body cells, with obvious implications for health and longevity." We also know that chronic...

Yo-Yo No More:  Understanding the emotions that make us fat

Yo-Yo No More: Understanding the emotions that make us fat

In all forms of media we are told about our nation's obesity problem. And San Antonio is one of the fattest cities in the United States. At the same time, we are bombarded with advertisements and information about losing weight. Most solutions include some combination...

Calcium Power:  Calcium plays key role in overall good health

Calcium Power: Calcium plays key role in overall good health

Oh, no — not another preachy article on calcium and osteoporosis prevention! Start the blah, blah here. Nod your head and vow to pick up some supplements at the store, maybe force down a glass of milk. Make a mental note: strong bones are good. Now you can move onto...

Dazzle ‘Em with A Gorgeous Smile

Dazzle ‘Em with A Gorgeous Smile

"Smile!" It's a dreaded command for many of us each time someone picks up a camera. Sure, I know the rhetoric ... everyone looks better with a smile, but that really depends on your perspective. A smile communicates warmth, friendliness, love and acceptance. It...

Introducing Yoga

Introducing Yoga

Your mother always taught you that real beauty comes from the inside. It turns out she was right — in more ways than even she knew. While mom clearly meant the inner person, the inner person can actually have an impact on physical appearance. Good health, a balanced...

The Basics of Infertility:  What every woman should know

The Basics of Infertility: What every woman should know

Since the 1960s, we've been brought up to believe we have complete control of our procreative powers. Conception can be blocked for years with various drugs, behaviors and accoutrements. What a shock it is when you take away the barriers only to find all systems are...

Choosing A Mate:  Use your head as well as your heart

Choosing A Mate: Use your head as well as your heart

Valentine's Day, the day we celebrate romantic love, is almost here. "Falling" in love is such a dangerous thing to do. Yet that is how most of us choose our mates. We follow our hearts and fall in love. Later, we wonder what happened to the magic. Why didn't we see...

Healthy Holiday Eating Strategies: Martyrdom Is Not Required

Healthy Holiday Eating Strategies: Martyrdom Is Not Required

Common Sense, Not Martyrdom, Will Help You Survive When I saw the Halloween candy piled waist high at my HEB, I knew the end was near. I consciously drew my navel to my spine and threw my shoulders back to brace myself for the holiday onslaught. Halloween is just a...

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