D.A. Susan Reed: A Woman with Convictions

D.A. Susan Reed: A Woman with Convictions

Susan Reed, the first woman elected district attorney in the history of Bexar County, repeatedly has been ready to jump on difficult cases in a flash. Impossible ones may take her a little bit longer but not much. An example of the latter is a case that dates back to...

Madame President:  Four San Antonio colleges are run by women

Madame President: Four San Antonio colleges are run by women

Today, many women find themselves in leadership positions in education, but they are still a minority among college presidents. According to the American Council on Education, only 21 percent of four-year colleges and universities are headed by women, and the number...

Raising the Bar:  Women lawyers have won their case

Raising the Bar: Women lawyers have won their case

If you watch television or the movies, women lawyers seem to be cut from the same cloth: Young, pretty, idealistic assistant district attorneys who want to save the world on shows like Law & Order; sexy lawyers in slinky clothes, martinis in hand, dancing the night...

Breaking Up is (Financially) Hard to Do

Breaking Up is (Financially) Hard to Do

Till death us do part. Wedding vows promise a lifetime of love and commitment. Fortunately many marriages do endure and thrive, but the complications of modern life rudely intrude on other unions, tearing at their fabric until they can no longer withstand the strain....

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