Each year, CREW San Antonio’s President is asked to focus on an initiative that will further our organization’s mission of advancing women in the commercial real estate industry. For 2022, my focus has been on education and how it can be used to create opportunities and bridge the gaps that exist for women today.

BEAUTY: Brush Care
Brush Care By Dora Vera Hey, you! With this heat, I hope my tips in the past magazines have helped. In this issue, I wanted to discuss the importance of brush care, which includes shampooing and sanitizing between uses. Since you probably use your brushes only on your...
COVER WOMAN: Maryanne Guido
Strong Foundations Build a Family Legacy. Maryanne Guido, CEO of Guido Companies, began her path to a career in construction when she answered a question from her husband, Tom. “He asked: ‘What have you always wanted to do that you never had an opportunity?’.
DOSSIER: 5 Star Dental Group
5 Star Dental Group Dr. Gilberto Tostado and Dr. Karina Acuna, DDS, MS Photography by Suzanne Pack What sets your practice apart from other dental practices? We focus on the possibilities of your smile, not its flaws. We strive to ensure that every visit to our office...
Business Spotlight: McKenna Quinn
Amber Haynes President and Founder of McKenna Quinn Why did you decide to start McKenna Quinn? When I started McKenna Quinn, there were very limited options for women's hunting apparel. I wanted to create clothing that women felt confident wearing and clothing...
So Your Teen Wants to Start Wearing Makeup?
By Dora Vera @thelook.beautystudio When your teen is becoming interested in wearing makeup, I would start by explaining that caring for her skin is the most important thing. Starting her off with an oil or cream cleanser, an alcohol-free toner, and a moisturizer will...
Fashion: Mom & Me
Moms, let’s pat ourselves on the back! Early morning battles getting little ones out the door, after-school practice, sick days, homework, growing piles of laundry, the list goes on. All while maintaining work, relationships, finances, chores, and most importantly,...
Health Profile: Strength Chiropractic Analise Sanchez
Health Profile: Strength Chiropractic Analise Sanchez Born and raised in San Antonio Dr. Analise Sanchez always knew she would pursue a career in health care after being heavily inspired by her father PA Paul Sanchez. Throughout life she says God opened and closed...
Health Profile: MD Evolution Consult. M. Chance, Julie Lewis
Health Profile: MD Evolution Consult. M. Chance, Julie Lewis Julie Lewis is one of the managing partners with Evolution Consultants and brings private practice administration experience for both specialty and primary care practice environments. She...
STEM: SMU Veronica Contreras Shannon
Verónica Contreras-Shannon, Ph.D. Professor of Biological Sciences and MARC U*STAR Program Director St. Mary's University One Camino Santa Maria San Antonio, TX 78228 210-431-4324 1. What path led you to where you are in your career/education today? As an...
Nonprofit Spotlight: Women & Girls Development Fund
San Antonio Area Foundation Boosts Girl Power Through Women & Girls Development Fund By San Antonio Area Foundation When business consultant Celina Montoya joined the Steering Committee of the San Antonio Area Foundation's Women & Girls Development Fund, she...
Dossier: Marketing Initiative Worx
Name and Title: Liz Papagni, CEO Business Name: Marketing Initiative Worx, Inc. Business Phone Number: (714) 595-0963 Business Website: www.marketingiw.com 1. In what types of businesses or industries does your agency specialize? We work primarily with small to...
STEM: UTSA Karen Mendiondo
UTSA Environmental Science and Engineering Student Finds the Earth and Ocean to be the Ideal Research Laboratory By Antonio Gutierrez As a child, Karen Mendiondo found great fascination in the rocks and minerals she found and tucked in her pocket while hiking the...
Dossier: Kim Gresham Anderson
Dossier: Kim Gresham Anderson Name and Title: Kim Gresham, President Business Name: Anderson Marketing Group Business Address: 85 NE Loop 410, Suite 501, San Antonio, Texas 78216-5866 Business Phone Number: 210-223-6233 Business Website: andersonmarketing.com What...
Women On The Move: Sydney Kerr
Sydney KerrNeuro Recovery Center Clinical Liaison, Nexus Health Systems Sydney Kerr joined Nexus Health Systems bringing her energy and passion as the clinical liaison for the new NeuroRecovery Center opening in San Antonio. Sydney began her career as a registered...
Women On The Move: Leah Peterson
Leah Peterson General Manager, CycleBar/Stone Oak Leah Peterson was named General Manager and CycleStar instructor at CycleBar/Stone Oak. Leah began her career at CycleBar/Stone Oak as the Assistant General Manager in 2019. She became General Manager, where she...
Women On The Move: Lizzy Aranibar
Lizzy Aranibar Assistant Campaign Manager After many years of helping her husband run their small business, Lizzy recently accepted a position on a campaign team for a local election. She has served the San Antonio community for many years by volunteering for various...
Dossier: The Wood Agency
Dossier: The Wood Agency Name and Title: Melody Goeken, Director of Public Relations Business Name: The Wood Agency Business Address: 7550 IH-10 W, Suite 505 Business Phone Number: 210-474-7400 Business Website: TheWoodAgency.com Additional contact information:...