A Mommy Moment:  The value of family diversity

A Mommy Moment: The value of family diversity

"Mom, can we have chicken for dinner?" "No, I hate chicken! Let';s have spaghetti." "Can we go swimming?" "No, let';s go to the arcade." "I want to see the new Harry Potter movie." "I want to go to the planetarium." "EZ';s!" "Cheesy Jane';s!" "Operation!"...

Fashion Forward or Foot Fiasco?

As a little girl I remember watching my grandma take off her knee-high nylon stockings at the end of the day. I marveled at the jagged curves, curled toes and bony protuberances that were her feet. They didn't look like my feet at all. Mine were just long, narrow...

Texas BBQ:  Old-time favorites and the sides that go with them

Texas BBQ: Old-time favorites and the sides that go with them

Want to fire up a hot debate? Try defining the word barbecue. Now try running that by a Texan. Texans love to argue about barbecue, almost as much as they love to eat it. It's no surprise that Texans have developed their own unique brand of barbecue, but you'd be hard...

Her Own Bit Of Texas:  Marjie Christopher

Her Own Bit Of Texas: Marjie Christopher

No cowboys are galloping around, but the 130-acre Rio Cibolo Ranch, just 25 minutes northeast of downtown, is a bucolic site where longhorns roam and huge pecans tower over the landscape that the owners describe as "a little bit of Texas and a whole lot of fun."...

A Global Outlook:  Neeta Singh

A Global Outlook: Neeta Singh

NEETA SINGH Age: 35 Occupation: Associate professor of nutrition, University of the Incarnate Word. Background: Diplomat's daughter who was educated in several countries on three continents, earning three advanced degrees. Personal: Single but open to cross-cultural...

Smart Move:  Get customer/client feedback

Smart Move: Get customer/client feedback

Do you really know how your customers/clients feel about your products or services? And even if they're very satisfied, wouldn't you love to know if they have any ideas for improvements? The simplest way to find out is to ask! Now you might send out some type of...

Job Hunt:  Your resume is you

Job Hunt: Your resume is you

"Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it, for that determines our success or failure." –Norman Vincent Peale In the last issue, we talked about getting your job search skills out of the Stone Age by using social networking sites, cleaning up...

Greens, Revisited:  Updated versions of an old favorite

Greens, Revisited: Updated versions of an old favorite

In her book, Mediterranean Grains and Greens, celebrated cookbook author and culinary hunter-forager Paula Wolfert relates a telling Turkish folk story. She writes: “During the reign of Sultan Abdülhamud II (1876-1909), a doctor was appointed to a medical posting in...

Service Plus Caring: CEO Pamela Bain

Service Plus Caring: CEO Pamela Bain

Plaques and awards are not an unusual sight in executive suites, but Pamela Bain has a very special one in her office: an unobtrusive little trophy designating her business as one of the Best Places to Work in San Antonio in 2008. Given by the San Antonio Business...

Cook’s Whites Better Than Latest Fashions:  Cynthia Rodriguez

Cook’s Whites Better Than Latest Fashions: Cynthia Rodriguez

CYNTHIA RODRIGUEZ Age: 32 Occupation: Teaching assistant, Culinary Institute of America (CIA), San Antonio. Personal: Shares her life with daughter, Carissa, age 12, and their Chihuahua, Carmelo. Why she's a Role Model: After more than a decade of ups and downs in the...

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