COVID: The College & Career Challenges

COVID: The College & Career Challenges

COVID is a topic that has impacted anyone who has a child in high school or a college freshman. The last 2 ½ years, I believe, will prove to be some of the most challenging times in our youths’ lives. The research has already begun, and I’m hearing from university student success professionals, HS counselors, and mental health providers about the changes they are witnessing. And as a career counselor, I’m seeing it firsthand as well.

Finding the Right School Fit

Finding the Right School Fit

Finding the Right School Fit By Katie McCall One San Antonio parent shares practical advice for selecting public or private education on an individualized basis.  As a mother of four and longtime San Antonio resident, Elizabeth Cox thought her children would attend...

The Perfect Game Night!

The Perfect Game Night!

For the Love of the Games Family Game Night Reconnects Friends and Families By Jenny Jurica  Last year, when we spent so much time at home, many families became joyfully reacquainted with the concept of "family game night." But now that life feels a bit more normal,...

MOMMY MATTERS: Summer Survival – Make Time for You

MOMMY MATTERS: Summer Survival – Make Time for You

Summer Survival Make Time for You, Because It's Your Summer, Too! By Tracy Ross-Garcia Photography by Mariana Galvan Oh yes, it's here! Summer Break, a much-needed pause in learning for our kids to decompress and have fun! Cue 90's summer theme music Summer, summer,...

The Importance of Holiday Traditions in Untraditional Times

The Importance of Holiday Traditions in Untraditional Times

BY: JENNY JURICA When it comes to the holidays, I’m all about tradition. You can keep your perfect, themed Christmas tree that looks like something straight out of a department store, and also your inverted tree that hangs from the ceiling. Call me boring, but in my...

Social Media Tips

Social Media Tips

Here are a few social media safety tips to keep your account and personal life secure while still having fun on social media.

Anxiety: You’re not alone

Anxiety: You’re not alone

What is anxiety? Anxiety is a word that's used regularly, but it holds a different meaning for different people. For some, anxiety is the nervousness you experience before meeting new people, public speaking, or during a major life event, etc. For others, it has no...

From Social Drinking to Stress Relief

From Social Drinking to Stress Relief

A firsthand story of motherhood, anxiety and alcohol misuse   During my college days I would study hard throughout the week and look forward to “Thirsty Thursdays” at our local bar. Going out with friends and having some laughs over pints of cheap beer was a...

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