30, 40,…or 70

30, 40,…or 70

AGING REQUIRED…..GROWTH AND CHANGE OPTIONAL BY BILL MURPHY MD, MEDICAL DIRECTOR TURQUOISE SPRINGS MEDICAL SPA I am told I had a milestone birthday last weekend as I begin my 70th year and 8th decade of life. Or, as Jimmy Buffett says, I am beginning another year to...

Wellness: Becoming Your Life’s Master Curator 

Wellness: Becoming Your Life’s Master Curator 

Becoming Your Life's Master Curator  By Angel Santiago "How you dress, eat, groom, and decorate your home, for example, says a lot about who you are and your internal state - as within, so without." "You are a product of your environment. So, choose the environment...



A Beginner's Mind By Angel Santiago "In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities. In the expert's mind there are few. "-Shunryu Suzuki The process of using your mind to create a greater understanding and appreciation of yourself and the world around you is not...

Spiritual wellness: Trusting in Yourself

Spiritual wellness: Trusting in Yourself

Spiritual Wellness Trusting in Yourself By Angel Santiago Do you know who you are? I mean, the essence of who you are, beyond your personality? Spiritual wellness emphasizes the importance of building inner resources and inner thoughts in order to give meaning to...

Wellness Matters: The First Step Towards Change

Wellness Matters: The First Step Towards Change

The Impact of the Small Step By Angel Santiago "Slow and steady wins the race" is a well-known proverb that offers an important piece of advice that, if acted on, should improve one's life. Persistent, consistent, and diligent progress, even if it is somewhat slow,...

WELLNESS MATTERS: Emotional Resilience

WELLNESS MATTERS: Emotional Resilience

By Angel Santiago "What should I do?" a young lady asked her father. "Keep driving," he said as they approached an intense storm that was growing stronger.  Cars began pulling over, and the young lady asked again, "What should I do?" "Keep driving," her father...

Wellness Matters: Relationships

Wellness Matters: Relationships

There are three motives for which we live: the mind, the body, and the soul. The key to living your life to the fullest is having balance in all three areas. Here’s how to balance your relationships!

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